I have to say they have done a very nice job with the new condo building across the street from me. Although I haven't seen the inside, I have had the opportunity to watch this structure being built starting with the demolition of an old apartment building and ending with the above picture. I know what people are saying.....don't we have a enough condos here in atlanta? and I know the market is probably saturated. this building has class though. it doesn't soar above the others looking exactly like my building and the four or five other by the same developer. now i have several friends who have purchased in the above building, and I am just waiting for an invite. i know the assistant is making the short move over....only I don't think his new balcony on the 5th floor provides for a quick exit....

i know what all that means! did you get your telescope yet?
Can't wait be your neighbor...
I saw this lovely tangerine coloured, Hermes knotted rope for those occasions when a quick repel is needed...I will add it to the house warming registery.
The Ass't
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