Friday, June 30, 2006
and i miss you....
johnbrown will find this funny. i saw my horoscope this morning in the local fag rag and it says, "It may take some effort, but Caps can dazzle like nobody's business when they want to." we shall see......
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The flight staff served the curry chicken
I have had this strange craving for Lasagna over the past week, so I left work early yesterday and went to work in the kitchen. I wanted to make real Lasagna, with italian sausage and fresh ingredients, rather than using spaghetti sauce. I invited the Mayor over for dinner, and he arrived almost a six pack ahead of me, as he had been at the Vans Warped tour with his boss earlier in the day. The recipe i printed off of some random site seemed easy enough; browning the meat, simmering the sauce, baking the final product. (note: i don't cook very often so this is a big deal to me). While the lasagna was baking, the mayor and i took advantage of the beautiful evening and sat out on my balcony admiring the new condo building across from me. We sat there trying to figure out the dynamics of the guys living on the 7th floor of the new glass building: two guys in their mid-thirties and one in his late 60's. And I know this by peering through the pair of Bushnell binoculars that my mom gave me. Is it a 3 way relationship? An ill parent? Still, every afternoon, the three of them sit out on the balcony together, staring into the bright afternoon sun.
The lasagna turned out to be quite good, though it could have used a bit more sauce. I was thinking that we would walk down the street for dessert, maybe some ice cream from the new place over at Spire. Instead, a few bottles of wine later, I found myself engaged in a full-fledged-above-the-waist-make-out-session. Which was just fine in my book. I awoke this morning, 10 hours of restful sleep later, with my jeans still on and no sign of diane. So I wonder, will something as simple as a home cooked meal end this drought?
on tap for the weekend: some pool time with johnbrown. i wonder if the assistant is receiving?
The lasagna turned out to be quite good, though it could have used a bit more sauce. I was thinking that we would walk down the street for dessert, maybe some ice cream from the new place over at Spire. Instead, a few bottles of wine later, I found myself engaged in a full-fledged-above-the-waist-make-out-session. Which was just fine in my book. I awoke this morning, 10 hours of restful sleep later, with my jeans still on and no sign of diane. So I wonder, will something as simple as a home cooked meal end this drought?
on tap for the weekend: some pool time with johnbrown. i wonder if the assistant is receiving?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
and when all your dreams have turned....into dust

No, I didn't take this photo out in Paulding County, it was actually taken in Athens, Georgia. Go figure, a college town with southern boys, so the above sign is real important if you 'dip snuff....
You see, I was there for a wedding. And it was a big weekend, it being Pride and all, so there is much to discuss.
Friday night, I spun an A-List Pride Party hosted by LittleJohn and his crew over at the Plaza midtown, complete with rainbow decorations and a couple of middle-aged bartenders that I presume were straight. Though I did catch them bouncing side to side to the beat later in the night. In true gay fashion, no one really arrived until after 9pm. but when they did, they marched in like the doozers on fraggle rock. geez, I couldn't believe how many handsome men were packed into that clubhouse. Though my set wasn't planned, I just fed off of the energy in the room and I feel that everyone enjoyed the music. i even spotted anderson cooper in the crowd, and word is he flew in just to hear me spin....or that is just what I keep telling myself.
I drove to Athens on Saturday for a wedding for a college friend. With Diane in tow, I had to nap before heading off to the wedding with Becky as my date. Now never having been a bride, i just don't understand why someone would have an outdoor wedding in the middle of June in Georgia. It is safe to say that I didn't stop sweating until almost midnight. and it was a highly emotional wedding. The bride, a girl i dated in college and have know for over twelve years, cried throughout the ceremony. afterwards, food was served (again outside, at least it was under a very large tent) and later a band inside? we danced and i continued to sweat.

I drove back on Sunday s it was time for me to get my Pride on and spend some time with the gays. Eric and Johnbrown hosted a wonderful party on 11th street. I showed up at 1pm with Pride tunes in hand only to be greeted to a packed condo with just about all of my friends. And just like clockwork, the rain came, only this time the lightning was close by and later caused the closing of piedmont park. that was fine, as we just continued to be Proud on the porch. it was much fun indeed. we later walked through the drizzle to Brad and Joel's for more porch time. and without planning, we did make it to Eleven50 for the T-Dance but I left after only about two hours. The place was entirely too dark, and unlike Backstreet, they don't have lit staircases. oh, and I was wearing shorts and wet sneakers from the aforementioned walk through the park and just wasn't feeling too cute.
And then there was the music. I was interested in hearing Chus & Ceballos but I am not sure that their progressive Iberican Sound from Portugal is the appropriate type of music to be playing at a closing Pride Tea Dance. What happened to Classics? Pete Heller - Big Love? Fun? Happy? Half the people there were all chewed up from partying all weekend, and the other half were just having trouble getting into the groove with the theater filled with reverberating sounds. I walked home around 9:45pm and called it a night. There is always next year.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Making love to you is a habit
Last night, I went with Mark and Chris to hear Bonnie Raitt at Chastain. One of my many new years resolutions was to attend more concerts, instead of going out to the same clubs to hear the same DJs. Believe it or not, I do enjoy other types of music. Hell I was a spreadhead at one point in my life. So we packed several bottles of wine and headed to north buckhead in the blazing afternoon heat. parking was an issue, and we drove past several of the reserved lots, and even asked one of the uniformed officers where we could pay to park. She asked, "how much you willin' to pay", and when I replied with "$20" she laughed. so i drove on and later found a free spot that required some very skilled parallel parking.
it was damn hot outside and so we started drinking the white wine, being sardonnay shipping queens that we are, and soon I had a nice buzz going. nevermind the fact that we didn't plan well like all the other suburbanites with the full spread of light bites and chicken fingers. Mark brought us all back hotdogs that managed to soak up some of the alcohol.
Bonnie came out and I was really impressed with how beautiful a voice she really has. Even in her Late 50's, she was stunning, both visually and acoustically. The majority of the show featured new tracks from her 18th album, yes 18th, with a perfect blend of rock, blues, and even country. Towards the end of the show, she did break out some of her signature tracks like "something to talk about" and "I can't make you Love me" which gave me chills.
It seems that everyone caught a brief glimpse of Diane this morning. I wonder why?
it was damn hot outside and so we started drinking the white wine, being sardonnay shipping queens that we are, and soon I had a nice buzz going. nevermind the fact that we didn't plan well like all the other suburbanites with the full spread of light bites and chicken fingers. Mark brought us all back hotdogs that managed to soak up some of the alcohol.
Bonnie came out and I was really impressed with how beautiful a voice she really has. Even in her Late 50's, she was stunning, both visually and acoustically. The majority of the show featured new tracks from her 18th album, yes 18th, with a perfect blend of rock, blues, and even country. Towards the end of the show, she did break out some of her signature tracks like "something to talk about" and "I can't make you Love me" which gave me chills.
It seems that everyone caught a brief glimpse of Diane this morning. I wonder why?
Monday, June 19, 2006
...spinning the rhythms in 331/3 servings preaching the sound of our new gospel..
It was a rather low key weekend for me. I did get to see my parents twice this weekend. First, Robert and I met them Saturday afternoon for lunch, and just like clockwork, they ordered the same thing...again. i don't know why I find that so amusing, I guess all of us become creatures of routine as we get older, but come a little. and getting older is a definite. my dad turns 67 this year and is really beginning to age. I noticed at lunch he as all these bruises on his arms where he just bumped into something. It really made me feel sad as I know he is in good health, but you can't expect him to live forever.
so being Father's Day on sunday, I drove out to east cobb (said in a snooty voice) to visit with my parents and have a perfect southern meal. Mom caught me up on all the gossip and drama with the neighbors living around them. The "supper" consisted of barbecue ribs, corn on the cob, and baked beans. And my dad's favorite: Key Lime Pie. It was a nice visit, only I wished my sister and her family were there.
So no going out for me as a busy week lies ahead. as john brown has said, I suppose it is just the calm before the storm, with Pride coming next weekend. Though I am a little disappointed that I won't be spinning at the Woodruff Arts Saturday night, I am excited about spinning over at John Flippen's condo friday evening. It seems necessary to play some crowd favorites, you know, so everyone can sing aloud and be Proud. It's funny to think about how I spent Pride weekend through the years, and how I now find it only necessary to be among friends to have fun, rather than attending the circuit events and t-dances. Not to say that I may never end up at one this year, it just isn't a priority anymore. Erik and Johnbrown's "bloodys and bagels" party will surely be a blast.
so being Father's Day on sunday, I drove out to east cobb (said in a snooty voice) to visit with my parents and have a perfect southern meal. Mom caught me up on all the gossip and drama with the neighbors living around them. The "supper" consisted of barbecue ribs, corn on the cob, and baked beans. And my dad's favorite: Key Lime Pie. It was a nice visit, only I wished my sister and her family were there.
So no going out for me as a busy week lies ahead. as john brown has said, I suppose it is just the calm before the storm, with Pride coming next weekend. Though I am a little disappointed that I won't be spinning at the Woodruff Arts Saturday night, I am excited about spinning over at John Flippen's condo friday evening. It seems necessary to play some crowd favorites, you know, so everyone can sing aloud and be Proud. It's funny to think about how I spent Pride weekend through the years, and how I now find it only necessary to be among friends to have fun, rather than attending the circuit events and t-dances. Not to say that I may never end up at one this year, it just isn't a priority anymore. Erik and Johnbrown's "bloodys and bagels" party will surely be a blast.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
'cause I got jesus as my copilot....
I just love when my monthly meeting with the nurse practice council finishes early for the day. it seems that we had exhausted reviewing all the policies and procedures for chest tube insertions and tracheostomy care by 1 pm. or maybe it was because there was a uniform scrub sale taking place in the Rich Auditorium today. all the ladies were looking forward to being fitted for the new window-pane-patterned- flair-leg Landau scrubs. apparently, they provide a slimming effect and make the thighs appear smaller, ifyouknowwhatimean. I ain't complaining as I get to work a half day in the middle of the week which is a refreshing change.
Plus, it allows me time to get ready for my date tonight with Eric. It's been awhile and I am all jazzed about manscaping with my new Norelco Body Groomer. Seriously, we are heading over to Actor's Express this evening to see The Last Sunday in June, a play about a group of friends that get together to celebrate NYC's gay pride. And what a perfect piece of theater considering that Atlanta's own celebration will take place in less than two weeks. Did I mention that I am putting together a PRIDE megamix for Sunday's "Bloodys and Bagels" fete over on Erik's terrace? I am thinking something anthemic, happy, bouncy, slightly poppy, and even a bit cheesy. Suggestions are appreciated.
Here's one: Rozalla - Everybody's Free (to feel good). I just came across the DJ nick's extended mix on Beatport, this cheeky little number may just be the perfect start.
Plus, it allows me time to get ready for my date tonight with Eric. It's been awhile and I am all jazzed about manscaping with my new Norelco Body Groomer. Seriously, we are heading over to Actor's Express this evening to see The Last Sunday in June, a play about a group of friends that get together to celebrate NYC's gay pride. And what a perfect piece of theater considering that Atlanta's own celebration will take place in less than two weeks. Did I mention that I am putting together a PRIDE megamix for Sunday's "Bloodys and Bagels" fete over on Erik's terrace? I am thinking something anthemic, happy, bouncy, slightly poppy, and even a bit cheesy. Suggestions are appreciated.
Here's one: Rozalla - Everybody's Free (to feel good). I just came across the DJ nick's extended mix on Beatport, this cheeky little number may just be the perfect start.
Monday, June 12, 2006
all around that's me, many troubles
if there is one word I could use to describe this past would and i mean that in many different ways. here's why....
friday night, i went to the Buddy Guy concert at the Botanical Gardens. this was my first time at this venue, and it is really nice to be sitting out on the lawn listening to blues with a view of the midtown skyline in the background. the crowd was extremely diverse, from hemp-wearing Spreadheads to salt and pepper daddies from garden hills to the occasional middle-aged gwinnetian in a woven leather belt. buddy put on a show, but my favorite part of the concert was the keyboardist. incredible talent. i just cannot wait for Taylor Dayne later this summer.
then is was a stop by midcity cafe where jefferson was spinning house music all night. i just love that place.
Chris Heard's cookout on Saturday was very nice.....and hot. no one else could pull off grilling burgers and chicken for 40 people and make it seem so effortless. I caught up with a few people I haven't seen in some time, and then it was off to work for FUPA duty. definitely not my favorite part of the weekend.
And then there was Shout. I was a little disappointed when I heard that I would be spinning inside due to noise complaints in the past, until I saw the new DJ table. plus it was hot as hell outside and I was in the perfect place to spin and watch the beautiful boys arrive in clans. the greats, the near- greats, the junior league, the big bicep club. they were all out in their $90 stretchy t-shirts from bloomingdales.
As much as I like to play obscure white labels and tracks you may never hear in a club, I know that these boys still like anthems. This became clear when I put on Mariah's new "say something" and one guy took his shirt off and danced in front of the giant fan on the patio in a real seductive kind of way. that's hot.....
friday night, i went to the Buddy Guy concert at the Botanical Gardens. this was my first time at this venue, and it is really nice to be sitting out on the lawn listening to blues with a view of the midtown skyline in the background. the crowd was extremely diverse, from hemp-wearing Spreadheads to salt and pepper daddies from garden hills to the occasional middle-aged gwinnetian in a woven leather belt. buddy put on a show, but my favorite part of the concert was the keyboardist. incredible talent. i just cannot wait for Taylor Dayne later this summer.
then is was a stop by midcity cafe where jefferson was spinning house music all night. i just love that place.
Chris Heard's cookout on Saturday was very nice.....and hot. no one else could pull off grilling burgers and chicken for 40 people and make it seem so effortless. I caught up with a few people I haven't seen in some time, and then it was off to work for FUPA duty. definitely not my favorite part of the weekend.
And then there was Shout. I was a little disappointed when I heard that I would be spinning inside due to noise complaints in the past, until I saw the new DJ table. plus it was hot as hell outside and I was in the perfect place to spin and watch the beautiful boys arrive in clans. the greats, the near- greats, the junior league, the big bicep club. they were all out in their $90 stretchy t-shirts from bloomingdales.
As much as I like to play obscure white labels and tracks you may never hear in a club, I know that these boys still like anthems. This became clear when I put on Mariah's new "say something" and one guy took his shirt off and danced in front of the giant fan on the patio in a real seductive kind of way. that's hot.....
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