Tuesday, May 09, 2006

bending the truth...

much like the donkster, I am in a bit of a funk today as well. and for no reason. I got 8 solid hours of sleep (despite all the weird dreams), had a productive day at work (even though the joint commission for the accreditation of hospitals made a surprise visit today), and had a fairly good work out. I don't feel bad, but for some reason people have been getting on my nerves. a good friend of mine at work told me I as "hormonal" today, and I suppose that just may be the case. As it's not just women that can play the "PMS" card, men have hormones too.....I am really looking forward to the male menopause, often times referred to as the "male climacteric". I guess that is when I will go out and by a boat or a fancy convertible. I think when it comes down to it, I really just need to get laid.....

my weekend wasn't very exciting as it was spent on call. In fact, I only left my condo to go into the hospital for FUPA duty. I did meet the Mayor and his friends at the movie on Sunday to see MI 3. I enjoyed the flick, full of action from start to finish, with the usual love story thrown in somewhere. And some may argue with me, but as weird as tom cruise is, he is still very handsome.......and short. i don't like short.


Anonymous said...

male climacteric is when you buy a large condo a block from your existing, perfectly acceptable home in hopes of finding new joy and renewal...neat...i'll tell you all about it...

DJ JT said...

looking forward to it. are you moving in soon? the building is filling up quickly..