Monday, March 12, 2007

changes in my life

i felt like i was in PTown this weekend. saturday morning started off cloudy and rainy, and like magic, the clouds broke and a beautiful day ensued. as did a nice bike ride.

dinner saturday night at fuel was real good. the salt-n-pepper-pizza-daddy-chef served up tasty slices and just like real rednecks we drank beer from coolers. it seems it takes a while to get a liquor license these days. just ask the people up in Gwinnett.

todd and brad's cocktail party for Ileana was fun and brought together a very eclectic group of people. i was tipsy and really not feeling like a night out and called it early. i did learn, however, that booty texts only work if the recipients inbox isn't full. who knew?

and then there was sunday. dori and i walked over to johnbrown's for a full on birthday celebration....lesbian style. the only thing missing was the meatballs and pigs n blankets. but lord did we drink some beer. we cut out at a respectable hour and walked back home only to see that cute jaredsapp skateboarding down Argonne. he scores big points for that. then it was on to Baraonda for a delicious dinner. and a little ogling at the wait staff. damn. can you say SAOP? i ignored the calls to blake's. smart thinking for once.

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