Hold Please...

After starting off the weekend feeling sick and tired, I came to a realization. I am a terrible patient: whinny, and constantly demanding sympathy from others around me. And to think that I take care of people every day? Thank God I am rarely sick, or my friends and family would officially be over me by now.
Friday was rather low key. Spent the evening with an old friend. A delicious asian-inspired meal was served. I called it an early evening as I still wasn't feeling right, and I was beginning to lose my hearing in one ear.
Saturday was very deceiving. What start started out as a warm spring morning, quickly turned into a windy autumn afternoon. Met up with Anthony, Kelli, and CQ for a stroll through the Inman Park festival. We stopped by Su's table where I picked up a beautiful piece of art for Becky. Next, we checked out the InmanPalooza festival complete with Jam Bands, free beer (poured directly from the Sweetwater beer truck, and a plethora of cute gay boys dispersed amongst the noodling' hippies.
Saturday night I made the journey to Cumming, Georgia for Becky's birthday. It was breeder city, as we arrived just in time for the cutting of the cake. It was nice seeing all of Becky's family in attendance, and her friends were a riot. Her one friend Amy from Charleston is a 6'2" heavier version of Molly Shannon. I cannot wait to visit them in Charleston. Becky loved her new artwork, and we left just as the bottle of Yaggermeister went dry. Headed back into the city, and I couldn't believe that the entire trip was 86 miles. And to think that I work with people who make this drive everyday.
Sunday was also beautiful, but the wind made it feel very chilly. My weekly gig at Shout started at 4pm, and we made the executive decision that I would setup inside. Although not as well attended as previous weeks, we still managed to have just over 200 people.
After hauling my equipment upstairs, I ended my weekend with a pint of PBR and a VJO.
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