Had a nice catch-up cocktail with Anthony and Kelli on Friday evening before heading over to Joel and Brad's for dinner. After a delightful salad with grilled chicken and a couple of glasses of Pinot Grigio, the gang rolled in. Next thing I knew I was surround by 20 of my friends, some who live out of town, and others who are only a stones throw away. Always nice to see Jeff Watts and his cute New Zealand boyfriend. We drank, we talked, we took pictures. Signature times indeed.
I dropped by Satellite Records on Saturday for a little record shopping, courtesy of Brett Long. I left with 10 pieces of high quality house on wax, and a $130 bill, but who's counting. Absolutely loving a little record I picked up from a record label in Madrid called Simon and Shaker - Freshness. Gives me chills every time I hear it. Summer anthem fo sho.
The cookout at R. Jones' was fun, once Joel and Brad arrived. The steaks were delightful, and Jolene's new signature salad was by far my favorite thing served. Headed over to Todd and Brad's for a goodbye cocktail as I was planning on a quiet evening, and the gang was on the way to the Heretic.
And then there was Sunday. The weather was rainy and almost chilly, but I persevered, and though we only had just over 100 people at Shout, I realized that most of the people there were my friends. And they were there to support me, which made me smile the entire time. We then headed over to the T-Dance at The Abbey, and I must admit that I was apprehensive about this event. Remembering my experience at this venue just two years ago: packed, 106 degrees, long lines for the bathroom, etc. Well, things were different this time around. The crowd was cute, the temperature was perfect, there were no lines for the bathroom And the music was great....until midnight. Again, without any planning, all of my friends seemed to converge on the dancefloor, and things just seemed right. I had an opportunity to spend some kwality time with Todd, and let my hair down with a certain Rob...not the assistant. I had a blast.
Though the weather was rainy today, the cookout at Jeffrey's went on without a hitch. After several beers and laughs about the prior evening (one being Bubba D. Licious leading his own sermon on the Pulpit at the Abbey for nearly 45 minutes), we chowed down on some ribs, grilled chicken, signature salad courtesy of Jolene, and baked beans. Sure it's hard to go back to work tomorrow after such as great weekend, but life goes on, right? Blake's anyone??

Me and Jolene