well it's that time again. the annual Piedmont Hospital kraft bazaar. This year while perusing the endless line of tables of stuff, i counted 37 christmas sweaters. and i mean all kinds, from cardigans, to sweatshirts, to even jazzy little denim dresses complete with bedazzled santas. my how the ladies love to don the holiday sweaters this time of year. i really didn't find many things of interest, except for the butch lesbian with dental caries who was selling CD wallets made out of old license plates. there i was on my hands and knees looking through boxes for a CD wallet with PAULDING county on it. no luck. and i was going to give it to Eric for 'Critmas. i did enjoy her story of spending the entire day in a junk yard yanking these license plates off of old, broken down cars.
this weekend should be big fun. the toy party on sunday is always a great event, and it's nice to see all of gay atlanta come together for a good cause. especially since it provides an opportunity to show off your newest chemise (thanks johnbrown) and jeans from the Diesel corner at Universal Queer. and they were only marked up 20%. what a deal.
y'all be good and have a coke if you're thirsty.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
rattle the cage, flicker the light
a wednesday-hump-day-list-of-things-on-my-mind:
*LG - and i'm not talking about the company that makes TVs. though life is good....
*tongue scrapers - an effective treatment for thrush or just simple chronic halitosis?
*the assistant - my what a Big, er, uhm. Tree, yes, Tree you have there. just beautiful
*Dr. Boulden - my future boyfriend, i mean, cosmetic dentist......should i ever need him... *it turns out they want to use some excerpts from my tired blog in a book to be published in Japan for students of contemporary English and American cultures. My only question: Do the Japanese people know Diane???

Monday, November 27, 2006
Is that a geiger counter? Noooo, it's an ionization chamber....
temperatures in the 70's in late November? only in atlanta.
Billy's party in Kirkwood on friday night was really fun. Johnbrown and erik picked me up and we headed to the hood. erik impatiently served as the back seat driver and navigation system all packaged into one. but we did manage to make it unscathed.
His house is really beautiful, but i found the mix of people at the party to be more interesting. a pair of 6'4" gay twins that i haven't seen in years (erik immediately latched onto one of them), a Paraguayan pediatric nurse, and a brazilian spin teacher at the piedmont hospital gym. can you say SAOP mission? the most interesting guest was a pierced guy who arrived carrying a gym bag claiming he was there to "spin". I immediately thought he was my competition, only imagining him whipping out one of those IPOD mixers and a pair of headphones. instead, he was there to spin fire in the backyard. different...yes.
Saturday night, Tim and I had dinner at Mitra. not realizing it was lesbian hour, i made reservations that really weren't needed. I had the seared ahi tuna over a bed of black rice risotto. and he had the organic chicken with asparagus. mmmm......asparagus.
the play over at actor's express, Based on a totally true story, was enjoyable, but definitely not my favorite. it's the story of a playwright and comic book writer who is approached by hollywood to turn his play into a movie. and as the lead character becomes more and more involved with this project, his relationship with his boyfriend suffers. in addition, he also had to deal with his relationship with his parents and their failing marriage. you can probably finish this story....
and then there was sunday. The "gay bike group" (bret, trey, john, kevin, and I) met up in piedmont park and we set off for a spectacular ride. perfect day for one in fact. through the va highlands, over to freedom park, on to kirkwood, and finally stopping for lunch and a few beers at the Universal Joint in Oakhurst. I came home, showered, and was in bed watching Brokeback Mountain at 7:30pm. Now that sounds respectable, don't it???
Billy's party in Kirkwood on friday night was really fun. Johnbrown and erik picked me up and we headed to the hood. erik impatiently served as the back seat driver and navigation system all packaged into one. but we did manage to make it unscathed.
His house is really beautiful, but i found the mix of people at the party to be more interesting. a pair of 6'4" gay twins that i haven't seen in years (erik immediately latched onto one of them), a Paraguayan pediatric nurse, and a brazilian spin teacher at the piedmont hospital gym. can you say SAOP mission? the most interesting guest was a pierced guy who arrived carrying a gym bag claiming he was there to "spin". I immediately thought he was my competition, only imagining him whipping out one of those IPOD mixers and a pair of headphones. instead, he was there to spin fire in the backyard. different...yes.
Saturday night, Tim and I had dinner at Mitra. not realizing it was lesbian hour, i made reservations that really weren't needed. I had the seared ahi tuna over a bed of black rice risotto. and he had the organic chicken with asparagus. mmmm......asparagus.
the play over at actor's express, Based on a totally true story, was enjoyable, but definitely not my favorite. it's the story of a playwright and comic book writer who is approached by hollywood to turn his play into a movie. and as the lead character becomes more and more involved with this project, his relationship with his boyfriend suffers. in addition, he also had to deal with his relationship with his parents and their failing marriage. you can probably finish this story....
and then there was sunday. The "gay bike group" (bret, trey, john, kevin, and I) met up in piedmont park and we set off for a spectacular ride. perfect day for one in fact. through the va highlands, over to freedom park, on to kirkwood, and finally stopping for lunch and a few beers at the Universal Joint in Oakhurst. I came home, showered, and was in bed watching Brokeback Mountain at 7:30pm. Now that sounds respectable, don't it???
Sunday, November 26, 2006
the play that i attended last night has had me thinking about the relationships in my own life. more importantly, i often think about my relationship with my sister, and how it has evolved and continues to change every day. growing up, we really weren't that close. she is over five years older than i am, so we really didn't have common interests as kids. (though she did influence me musically so we did share that bond). and it really wasn't until i reached adulthood that the our relationship changed and we actually became friends. now, i can see how our relationship has changed once again. sure i wish we were close like we once were twelve years ago, but our live are very different now. the things that we both once enjoyed doing together are no longer the same. and that is simply something that i have learned to accept. much like my relationship with my parents and their understanding of my sexuality.
i came across an article that my sister wrote some twelve years ago, when she was a copy editor for the local newspaper down in macon, georgia. and it brings me to tears each time i read it.
October 11, 1994
now that it's beginning to feel like autumn, i find myself thinking about school (just like i did every fall for 16 years). More recently, my thoughts focus more and more on my little brother.
Well, I don't suppose I should call John little any more - he's at least 6 feet tall and a brand new freshman at the University of Gerogia. That's really startling.
There's this image seared on my brain of my brother when he was about 7: short, skinny, complete with missing teeth, mussed up hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. It's hard sometimes to reconcile the young college student and the little boy I grew up with.
Suddenly I understand the shocked expression on the faces of relatives I saw only once or twice a year as a child. I know things change and grow while I'm not there to witness it, but I find my self thinking: Are you REALLY you? When did this happen?
But even stranger than that emotion is the way our relationship has evolved in the past year or so. Somewhere during that time we've advanced from the adversarial big sister/little brother
connection to an actual friendship.
I can't pinpoint when it happened, just as I can't say exactly when my parents became my friends instead of authority figures.
John's five years younger than I. When we were little, it didn't make much difference. We'd both wake up early on Christmas morning, check our stockings, then wake up Mom and Dad before checking under the tree. We repeated that ritual every year until we both knew the truth about Santa Claus. We liked catching lightning bugs in the summer and making snow angels in the occasional Stone Mountain ice storms.
Both those five years were a considerable gap once I moved into adolescence and left him in childhood. We weren't affected by the same issues; we didn't have the same concerns. We lost much of our common ground.
Once I went off to college, it seemed like every time I came home John was a different person. He gained three inches on me during the summer of 1991.
I guess it was during his senior year of high school that he first began to confide in me more, and I in him. When I'd come home for a weekend, we'd go to the mall or rent a movie, just like we'd do with our respective friends.
This past spring or summer I'm nor sure, I was home and pining to shop at the new mall in Alpharetta. To my surprise, John, not my mom, was the willing companion. Not only that, he drove. He patiently served as critic. Then, after tolerating being dragged all over the mall, he insisted on treating me to cappuccino. And over the steaming cups we sat and really talked about school, his getting ready for college, about life in general.
It was a really significant moment: On one hand, I had been looking forward to that time for almost as long as I'd waited from him to get tall enough for me to raid his closed. I'd always admired the close friendships friends enjoyed with their siblings.
On the other hand, we were talking about growing up and moving apart and the occasional yearning for the carefree days of childhood. We were close then because we lived under the same roof.
But we're close now because we want to be. So, I think about him in Athens, hanging out at placed I told him to go, studying and worrying about college things. I remember my breathless time of standing on the threshold of adult life. Then I remember how quiet it was at home with my parents about a month ago, my only trip there since John's been away.
I haven't yet been to visit him and to see how he and his roommate have customized their dorm room. But I plan to go soon.
And I hope it's another step in the process of getting to know each other outside of family parameters. Because I realize that I didn't lose a "baby brother." I just gained a lifelong friend I never realized I had.
i came across an article that my sister wrote some twelve years ago, when she was a copy editor for the local newspaper down in macon, georgia. and it brings me to tears each time i read it.
October 11, 1994
now that it's beginning to feel like autumn, i find myself thinking about school (just like i did every fall for 16 years). More recently, my thoughts focus more and more on my little brother.
Well, I don't suppose I should call John little any more - he's at least 6 feet tall and a brand new freshman at the University of Gerogia. That's really startling.
There's this image seared on my brain of my brother when he was about 7: short, skinny, complete with missing teeth, mussed up hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. It's hard sometimes to reconcile the young college student and the little boy I grew up with.
Suddenly I understand the shocked expression on the faces of relatives I saw only once or twice a year as a child. I know things change and grow while I'm not there to witness it, but I find my self thinking: Are you REALLY you? When did this happen?
But even stranger than that emotion is the way our relationship has evolved in the past year or so. Somewhere during that time we've advanced from the adversarial big sister/little brother
connection to an actual friendship.
I can't pinpoint when it happened, just as I can't say exactly when my parents became my friends instead of authority figures.
John's five years younger than I. When we were little, it didn't make much difference. We'd both wake up early on Christmas morning, check our stockings, then wake up Mom and Dad before checking under the tree. We repeated that ritual every year until we both knew the truth about Santa Claus. We liked catching lightning bugs in the summer and making snow angels in the occasional Stone Mountain ice storms.
Both those five years were a considerable gap once I moved into adolescence and left him in childhood. We weren't affected by the same issues; we didn't have the same concerns. We lost much of our common ground.
Once I went off to college, it seemed like every time I came home John was a different person. He gained three inches on me during the summer of 1991.
I guess it was during his senior year of high school that he first began to confide in me more, and I in him. When I'd come home for a weekend, we'd go to the mall or rent a movie, just like we'd do with our respective friends.
This past spring or summer I'm nor sure, I was home and pining to shop at the new mall in Alpharetta. To my surprise, John, not my mom, was the willing companion. Not only that, he drove. He patiently served as critic. Then, after tolerating being dragged all over the mall, he insisted on treating me to cappuccino. And over the steaming cups we sat and really talked about school, his getting ready for college, about life in general.
It was a really significant moment: On one hand, I had been looking forward to that time for almost as long as I'd waited from him to get tall enough for me to raid his closed. I'd always admired the close friendships friends enjoyed with their siblings.
On the other hand, we were talking about growing up and moving apart and the occasional yearning for the carefree days of childhood. We were close then because we lived under the same roof.
But we're close now because we want to be. So, I think about him in Athens, hanging out at placed I told him to go, studying and worrying about college things. I remember my breathless time of standing on the threshold of adult life. Then I remember how quiet it was at home with my parents about a month ago, my only trip there since John's been away.
I haven't yet been to visit him and to see how he and his roommate have customized their dorm room. But I plan to go soon.
And I hope it's another step in the process of getting to know each other outside of family parameters. Because I realize that I didn't lose a "baby brother." I just gained a lifelong friend I never realized I had.
Friday, November 24, 2006
giving thanks.
I really do love Thanksgiving. every year, my immediate and extended family gathers for a full day of drinking, eating, and catching up. this year, the festivities were held at my parents house out in scarietta. and the house was packed, as this year we welcomed 35 people. but let's talk about wednesday night first.
against my will, i joined everyone at the sharley-turnbulls for cocktails, and soon we departed for Eleven50 for the annual pre-thanksgiving-go-out-and-dance-with-your-shirt-off-amongst-the-thankful-gay-boys-night. The music was terrible as I knew it would be, but he crowd was fun and happy as it always is on holiday nights. there is something about the holidays that brings out the guys that never go out, so it truly is a lot of fun. we danced well into the morning, and i left just as the music turned into sounds, not songs.
my cousin arrived from Denver around noon on thursday, and todd and i picked her up at the MARTA station and headed north. and what a good time was had by all. 2 turkeys, 1 hams, all the yummy sides, and for dessert...... well, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and black russian kahlua cake. it really was brave of my good friend todd to accompany me to such a festive event, as it can be quite overwhelming to step into a house of 35 drunks. but he held is own very well, even becoming big buddies with my cousin Carol, who i haven't seen in over 7 years. she's a special ed teacher out in cartersville, and we appropriately named her "Thanksgiving Pat". She likes to party that one.
so now it's the weekend and i am looking forward to yes, my 3rd date tomorrow night. yikes.
pictures below tell the story....
against my will, i joined everyone at the sharley-turnbulls for cocktails, and soon we departed for Eleven50 for the annual pre-thanksgiving-go-out-and-dance-with-your-shirt-off-amongst-the-thankful-gay-boys-night. The music was terrible as I knew it would be, but he crowd was fun and happy as it always is on holiday nights. there is something about the holidays that brings out the guys that never go out, so it truly is a lot of fun. we danced well into the morning, and i left just as the music turned into sounds, not songs.
my cousin arrived from Denver around noon on thursday, and todd and i picked her up at the MARTA station and headed north. and what a good time was had by all. 2 turkeys, 1 hams, all the yummy sides, and for dessert...... well, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and black russian kahlua cake. it really was brave of my good friend todd to accompany me to such a festive event, as it can be quite overwhelming to step into a house of 35 drunks. but he held is own very well, even becoming big buddies with my cousin Carol, who i haven't seen in over 7 years. she's a special ed teacher out in cartersville, and we appropriately named her "Thanksgiving Pat". She likes to party that one.
so now it's the weekend and i am looking forward to yes, my 3rd date tomorrow night. yikes.
pictures below tell the story....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
lymph brushing
so i have had two dates with the aforementioned guy i met at Amsterdam, and I must say i hope to see more of him. not only is he very handsome and charming, but he also makes me laugh which is a big plus in my book.
oh, and he is also a Methodist, which i find to be just typical.....TYPICAL!
oh, and he is also a Methodist, which i find to be just typical.....TYPICAL!
a case of mistaken identity.......
i don't know why I find this story to be so damn funny. in fact, it is probably my favorite story at this moment. and writing about it doesn't do it any justice, but here goes...
i meet my parents at Houston's at Lenox for lunch this past saturday. we have an excellent meal (as usual) and just like clockwork, mom and dad ordered the same thing they always do. anyway, as we get ready to leave, dad insists on giving his valet ticket first, as he wanted me to see his new car. And as we were standing there waiting for our respective cars to arrive, and beautiful BMW convertible pulls up, and a very attractive african american couple step out. Being obsessed with teeth and all, i immediately recognized those shiny veneers to the ones belonging to 11Alive's Brenda Wood. And boy did she look great. so i made the comment to first my mom, and then my dad, to take note of this "celebrity sighting".
you have to understand, my parents are in their mid to late 60s, so I have found they spend more and more time watching the local news and the weather channel. and to my parents, this sighting is similar to me spotting Michael Stipe in Athens when i was in college.
so my dad gets real real excited, as Mrs. Wood is approaching and says in his Claxton southern Twang, "well, Hey There! Brenda Wood! How are ya?".
To which Brenda responds in a slightly irritated voice, "It's Amanda......" and her husband finishes with "......Davis." I was mortified, and don't know what I would have done if it had been me to actually say that out loud. But Dad quickly got over it and was eager to show me his new car.....
I mean, i didn't mean to set my dad up and just "Sweep him under the bus" as joel would say. I am the one who misidentified this local celebrity. But knowing my dad so well, i was laughing out loud in the car all the way home.
i meet my parents at Houston's at Lenox for lunch this past saturday. we have an excellent meal (as usual) and just like clockwork, mom and dad ordered the same thing they always do. anyway, as we get ready to leave, dad insists on giving his valet ticket first, as he wanted me to see his new car. And as we were standing there waiting for our respective cars to arrive, and beautiful BMW convertible pulls up, and a very attractive african american couple step out. Being obsessed with teeth and all, i immediately recognized those shiny veneers to the ones belonging to 11Alive's Brenda Wood. And boy did she look great. so i made the comment to first my mom, and then my dad, to take note of this "celebrity sighting".
you have to understand, my parents are in their mid to late 60s, so I have found they spend more and more time watching the local news and the weather channel. and to my parents, this sighting is similar to me spotting Michael Stipe in Athens when i was in college.
so my dad gets real real excited, as Mrs. Wood is approaching and says in his Claxton southern Twang, "well, Hey There! Brenda Wood! How are ya?".
To which Brenda responds in a slightly irritated voice, "It's Amanda......" and her husband finishes with "......Davis." I was mortified, and don't know what I would have done if it had been me to actually say that out loud. But Dad quickly got over it and was eager to show me his new car.....
I mean, i didn't mean to set my dad up and just "Sweep him under the bus" as joel would say. I am the one who misidentified this local celebrity. But knowing my dad so well, i was laughing out loud in the car all the way home.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
we listened to it twice, cause the DJ was asleep
last night, i went to see Regina Spektor in concert at the Roxy Theatre. Having never really heard of this talented musician other visiting her website earlier in the week, i was interested to see what the show would be like. Apparently, she has quite a big following, as the show was sold out and people were standing around outside in hopes of finding a ticket.
The crowd could be described as crunchy-hippy-lesbian-granola but obviously very loyal and long time supporters of Regina. This was obvious as the annoying girl behind us insisted on singing every song loudly in my right ear. thanks.
To say that Regina has a beautiful voice is an understatement. It's brilliant, stunning, gorgeous. i suppose you could compare her to tori amos meets bjork meets ani difranco. her songs are quirky, with poetic lyrics spread over lush piano melodies. different....yes. i'm not sure if the rest of my group enjoyed the show as much as i did, but they certainly appreciated her talent as a musician.
The crowd could be described as crunchy-hippy-lesbian-granola but obviously very loyal and long time supporters of Regina. This was obvious as the annoying girl behind us insisted on singing every song loudly in my right ear. thanks.
To say that Regina has a beautiful voice is an understatement. It's brilliant, stunning, gorgeous. i suppose you could compare her to tori amos meets bjork meets ani difranco. her songs are quirky, with poetic lyrics spread over lush piano melodies. different....yes. i'm not sure if the rest of my group enjoyed the show as much as i did, but they certainly appreciated her talent as a musician.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
chili and bourbon

i got all kinds of m-grams in my head...
for some reason, i have scientology on my mind today. maybe it's because i have been watchin' Betty, or maybe it's because it appears as if Tom and Katie may actually get married. and i thought they had a secret contract stating that they wouldn't, because everyone knows he is gay.
I met Robert this evening for dinner over at Dressed. The space is really cool, very minimal, with lacquered concrete floors, white walls, and artwork on the walls in the colors of green and orange. I had a grilled chicken asian salad, and Robert chose the traditional caesar salad with anchovies. Both were very tasty, and you can even build your own salad if you wish. I do hope this place does well as we were the only people dining tonight.
and so it appears that my trip to Amsterdam on Friday night may not have been a total failure. the handsome gent that i spoke to briefly that night called this afternoon, and I may have landed a date.....what's that?
I met Robert this evening for dinner over at Dressed. The space is really cool, very minimal, with lacquered concrete floors, white walls, and artwork on the walls in the colors of green and orange. I had a grilled chicken asian salad, and Robert chose the traditional caesar salad with anchovies. Both were very tasty, and you can even build your own salad if you wish. I do hope this place does well as we were the only people dining tonight.
and so it appears that my trip to Amsterdam on Friday night may not have been a total failure. the handsome gent that i spoke to briefly that night called this afternoon, and I may have landed a date.....what's that?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
there's calm inside the storm
yesterday, "Stars Align", the second single from Kaskade's new album Love Mysterious was released. What a beautiful track this is. The vocalist, Marcus Bently, sounds very much like Sting to me. The release features remixes by Andy Caldwell (part of the OM records crew and the west coast house sound) and Tom Novy.
I downloaded the entire remix package from itunes.
check out more from the vocalist for this amazing track here.
I downloaded the entire remix package from itunes.
check out more from the vocalist for this amazing track here.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
down were you before
i don't think it would be possible for this week to start out any more depressing. then i wake up this morning to a cold rain. as i lay in my bed in hopes of catching just a few more minutes of sleep, i find it utterly impossible. my mind is racing and has been for the past two days. thinking about my life, what's important to me...... my friends, my family, my health. my job, my career. what does the future hold? what will happen next? are my parents well? financial obligations and responsibilities, you know, administrations, bills, and Loans.... all of these things weigh heavy on my mind for some reason. and i am ready to clear my head and see the sun shine bright in my window.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
coming soon to a pillow near you
well diane sure is enjoying this beautiful fall day. so much she won't leave. here's how she got here....
last night was friday night wine and roa't night over at johnbrown's. our core group of friends assimilated, some of us later than others, to basically eat and drink as much as possible. we were graced by an out of towner, Shawn, who I haven't seen since Ptown. and she is really a lot of fun. dinner was wonderful as usual. Roa't chicken, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and johnbrown's signature salad. the red wine was flowing, and soon we all had a nice buzz.
cut ot Midcity Cafe, where we met up with Kelli, Anthony, Holger, and soon the gays had taken over that place. Jefferson was laying down a fantastic house set, and I even got to spin a few tunes while he took a "bathroom break". and so i seized the opportunity to play chris robyler's favorite tune he appropriately named "butter".
cut to todd and brad's house for a night cap, and believe it or not, I was actually the one to leave first.
and there was diane this morning. what would a saturday be without her?
last night was friday night wine and roa't night over at johnbrown's. our core group of friends assimilated, some of us later than others, to basically eat and drink as much as possible. we were graced by an out of towner, Shawn, who I haven't seen since Ptown. and she is really a lot of fun. dinner was wonderful as usual. Roa't chicken, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and johnbrown's signature salad. the red wine was flowing, and soon we all had a nice buzz.
cut ot Midcity Cafe, where we met up with Kelli, Anthony, Holger, and soon the gays had taken over that place. Jefferson was laying down a fantastic house set, and I even got to spin a few tunes while he took a "bathroom break". and so i seized the opportunity to play chris robyler's favorite tune he appropriately named "butter".
cut to todd and brad's house for a night cap, and believe it or not, I was actually the one to leave first.
and there was diane this morning. what would a saturday be without her?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Love Mysterious

besides the fact that he is incredibly cute, he is also a really nice guy. the first time i heard him spin was a few years ago on a thursday night at The Mark. The turnout was rather lame that night, and while waiting to hit the turntables, i spent a solid thirty minutes talking with him; about his upcoming studio work, remixes, and just music in general. what a thrill that was for me.
and ever since, I have been a huge fan of this very talented San Francisco DJ/producer. Most of his original work features lush guitar driven riffs and beautiful vocalists. Joslyn, one of the vocalists who has appeared on his earlier albums including "it's you, it's me", and "In the Moments", has one of the most beautiful voices i have ever heard. She has also recently released a solo album that is available on itunes and I highly recommend it.
Now Kaskade emerges with his third album titled "Love Mysterious". This time, he has left the west coast house label OM Records where all of his previous work was released and has joined with Ultra Records. The first release is a sweet vocal laden track called "be still" with remixes emerging just last month from Jay-J and Robbie Rivera. The next single that is due to be released this month is called "Stars Align".
Apparently, this album is said to have more of a "big room sound". and of course he is on tour with the new album as well, and if you have a chance, you should really check him out. The last time he came to Atlanta was back in February at Eleven50 and it was quite a show. And that is when I noticed that he did have a more progressive, big room sound, while still throwing down an excellent house set. He is the only DJ that could throw in Mylo's remix of Freeform 5 - no more conversation into a straight up house set and get away with it. and his mixing is some of the tightest i have ever heard.
Turns out, he will be back at Eleven50 on December 9th, and I plan on attending. check out his website for more info.

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